The Evolution of Freedom

The following documents/events contributed to what I call the "Evolution of Freedom."  If you think there should be some addition information added, please send your submissions to Randy for inclusion here.


1100 Charter of Liberties (King Henry I)
1215 - June Magna Carta (The Great Charter)
1620 - December Mayflower Compact
1639 - January Fundamental Orders of 1639
1676 - June First Thanksgiving Proclamation
1689 English Bill of Rights 1689
1775 - June Causes of Taking up Arms
1775 - August Proclamation of Rebellion
1775 - November United States Marine Corps
1775 - December Reply to Declaration of Rebellion
1776 - January Tory Act
1776 - July Declaration of Independence
1777 - November Articles of Confederation
1787 - September The Constitution of the United States of America (Signed)
1787 - September Letter Transmitting the Constitution to Congress
1787 - December Pennsylvania Opposition to the Constitution
1788 - April Maryland Opposition to the Constitution
1788 - June Virginia Proceedings (ratifying the Constitution)
1788 - July New York Proceedings (ratifying the Constitution)
1787 - 1789 Ratification of the Constitution
1796 - October Washington's Farewell Address
1799 - December Kentucky Resolution